Tuesday 2 April 2019

5 non-equipment exercises which can make you owner of six pack in just a month!!

Everybody wants to develop a muscular and attractive physique in case of guys and in case of girls craze for a slim curvy figure with our godly six packs are in great demand. Many guys and girls joins gym but only a few get the expected result. I am not saying that the exercises I am gonna tell you make you of the body you have in your mind but surely you will notice starting of abs!
 Firstly what are six pack abs? Six pack abs are the rectus abdominus muscles which are present in your tummy area. There are two cases which are must for developing six packs perfectly. You need to reduce your tummy fat and secondly you must develop these rectus muscles. You might have seen six packs of your thin friends. Yes they are six packs but are undeveloped. So if he show off for his abs, just say him 'You are still a kid, my son!' (Just kidding). I assure you that, you my friend, whether you are a girl or guy, you have six pack abs. The problem is there is a layer of fat covered over it and of course undeveloped muscles. So without wasting time let's start exploring...

5. Jumping Jacks:

WTF... WTF.... WTF, yes friend this is one of the best fat loss exercise. Also it is very simple cardio exercise. This exercise helps your overall body to lose fat. And.... And... By my personal experience,  this exercise also helps your shoulder to be in shape. So without jumping jacks you will be unable to build your packs!! This is also one of the magical exercises, which can make you look in shape doing it just for few weeks (this tip is only for my bros who are a bit healthy)

4. Sprints:

As we all know, we only can develop six pack abs only when we have low body fat percentage. Right.. Sprinting is a form of High intensity exercises which can also benefit to lower blood pressure and all that! But we are interested in that damn ass abs! Right! So, you might have seen a sprinter or consider Mr. Usain Bolt, he is the the fastest man round the globe (If I am no wrong), how is his body, his abs? Just awesome, isn't it?  So by conclusion, sprints helps to burn fat at the speed of light and also helps us to develop core muscles. Approximately, if you sprint non-stop for 20mins, you will burn more than 500 calories. So you can imagine the power of sprints!

3. Squats:

Squats are basically exercise developed for legs, but secretly it targets, your abs too! When you go down it crushes your abs, when you come up it stretches your rectus muscles which you squeezed while going down. If you are doing this with free weights, it will benefit more to your legs and your abs too. What more can I tell you about squats. I mostly use to get this as a punishment when I was on school. Was that the same with you? Answer me in comments below.. 

2. Plank:

Plank was developed for core but it also benifits whole body. Plank is the exercise in which you hold your body for seconds or minutes as per your capacity in plank pose. This is also one of the asanas called kumbhakasana which is a good news for yogis reading this. Plank is also useful for back pain problems which many people faces now a days. A bonus fact for you, if you believe that you are a fit person, do a two min plank. Now! Keep that phone aside! And tell me were you able to complete this challenge. If not, no problem, that's not a big issue. But it only means, either you are too fat or too weak or doing wrong workouts. You can also beat the plank world record which is only 8 hrs and 1min if you try and do hardwork in it! 

1. All types of crunches:

Whether it is reverse crunches or it is bicycle crunches or any other crunches, you do it, you will get abs. But not just in a day or two. It is process which requires months. Again, its the same, it puts tension on rectus muscles and also obliques which help them grow bigger and stronger. There are many tutorials on YouTube which can help you to do this. I will first recommend to try smoothly first. Don't go too hard in your first attempt or you will not be able to get up after sitting in toilet! (Just kidding) 
       So, these were the simple exercises which can help you to build more stronger abs naturally without any equipment. I personally have developed my abs using these exercises only. I never went gym. But recently have joined one. That's all about me. Comment me if you have any doubt about it, as an athlete (not kidding) I know many things about fitness and exercises. That's it.  Hope you have gained some knowledge from me. Anyway.. 
        Thanks for reading... 

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