Friday 5 April 2019

5 magical life skills that can make you a billionaire!!

Who on this planet don't want money? (Talking about humans) From rich to poor, from Bezos to Beggars, everybody wants money. Right.. And actually its not that bad wish as you think. Logically, to survive in this modern, digital world we must have money.
No...  This is not that typical motivational types typical post.. No.. I am talking about scientific skills by which, most of the people (Most means, literally 90%) have became billionares. Yes.. Guys and I wish, if you follow these things, you too may be in this 90%

5. Planning:

Planning is a skill which you too can perfect. I am not talking about, career planning and that farsighted planning. I am talking about tomorrow. What is your goal tomorrow. 
Suppose, you want to start gyming, but you are unable to start because of time and your busy schedule, plan and think about it. It is not compulsory to gym everyday, but you can do it at least 3 days a week. Find those days. One is Sunday, and rest work is yours. And yes, it is not compulsory to gym in the morning only. Okay.. 

4. Writing a daily diary :

This is something which most of the people don't take seriously. Don't be one of them. Dont give excuses. Okay, you will think "Okay yeah! You said write a diary, I will do it but actually what to write?"
 Yes, this a good question, which I too got when first time I thought about this habit. What I write is, all bullsh*t things, I did today and what I leant out of it. Then I plan about the most important thing to do the next day and write it down. Even if it is cutting my nails! I write it down. So you too can do it. 

3. Communication skills and networking:

Networking and having good communication skills are inter related to each other. 
Firstly what do we mean by good communication skills. If talking in simple language, good communication skills means simply being a good communicator, and you can only be a good communicator, when you are a good listener. Let the person with whom you are communicating complete his sentence and once he completed, start your story. Make him realize that you are paying attention to him. Use your body too, for communication, as it is proved by science that, you communicate 70-75% with body language.

2. Getting fit, by body as well as mind:

Yes it is well said that 'A healthy mind stays in healthy body' Right.. 
Coming straight to the point, getting a fit body doesn't mean to be like Arnold. Just cut that extra layer of fat around your stomach, if you have. And lift some weights. Start jogging my friends. Its connection with your mind is that, when you lift weights or complete your jogging target, your brain releases happy hormones called Dopamine which makes us feel relaxed and always exited to do work.

1. Having and selling your skills

Each one of you have some or the other skills. Right.. If not, develop one. 
Now, the question arises, how will I? 
The answer to it is, find your interest. Now don't tell me, you don't have any interest! Still if it is true with you, just do everything, what you get opportunity of. Means, if you are in college, take part in plays, or dance. Who knows, you may become the next Tom Cruise! 
Okay, you have a skill then it to its max potential. Get mastered in it and go to a level, which no one on this earth has achieved! 
Okay, you have a skill in which you can compete with anybody, then do it. Use your skills to tell the world to tell the world, who are you and what you can do! For doing it you must use or sell your skills. 
Selling to is a skill which needs many things to master. I will post about it later. 
       So, that is all guys. Hope you have gained some knowledge from me.. Anyway.. 
       Thanks for reading.. 

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