Sunday 19 November 2017

Top 5 best leadership qualities you might be having!!!!!

Having respect is the most common symptom that everyone wants. I too also want respect from the guy besides my chair in a room. Look around you, rotate your eyeballs and watch out for your respect. If you want respect, earn it by being a leader. Check out for the following qualities in you bro. So without wasting time let's start exploring.....

5. Focus:

If you have focus, no one can stop you from becoming successful. And if you have focus of any temporary aim, it is not bad bro, but you have one leadership quality.

4. Vision:

You must have studied about Adolf Hitler in school days. This name brings thoughts of cruelty and injustice, right, Hitler was a visionary person. He always dreamt to turn Germany into a Nazi nation and till 90 present he got his success.

3. Planning:

Your parents must be saying to plan for aim. Don't hide it from me man, I am your bro. But my case is the same. My parents often say me to aim something, but I am just bloody rasc*l.  Planning is equally important for living a comfortable lifestyle and a becoming a leader.

2. All round Confidence:

Even for playing cricket in the ground, confidence is required. If got out in first ball what will others think of me, if I missed a catch, I will appear like a fool, bla bla!! These are some of the qualities of an unconfident person. This also is required for being a leader. Imagine a leader scaring to give a speech!!!

1. Courage:

Winston Churchill believed "Courage is rightly considered as the foremost of all the virtues, for upon it, others all depend". Courage actually means, any person can do anything to achieve his goal, takin all kinds of risks. If any leader don't have enough courage to stand against any thought, can be be called a leader?? Think of it!!!
                So guys these were the top 5 best leadership skills you must be having if you have leader like attitude. What do you think about it????!! Answer me anyhow!!!!! Anyway.....
                       Thanks for reading!!!!!

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