Tuesday 28 November 2017

Top 5 underworld fugitives (Don).....

No one in his/her life want to be an underworld smuggler or a fugitive. In simple word, such person is a Don. Actual meaning of Don is something different. It means an university teacher. But here Don means a person who has his respect in underworld. Leave that topic, so without wasting time let's start exploring.....

5. Matteo Messina Denaro:

Matteo has an important role in Italian mafia. Yes! He is Italian, my friend. Matteo is known for his fast lifestyle and his costly Rolex watches. Matteo is nicknamed as 'diabolic'. 

4. Semion Mogilevich:

Semion is recognised as the name 'boss of the bosses and has important hand in Russian Mafia. He is believed to have a vast criminal empire by FBI.

3. Dawood Ibrahim:

Dawood Ibrahim was the most wanted person in India for several years. He is known as bhai (In English bhai means big brother or boss) He is wanted to police since 1980s.

2. Joaquin Guzman:

Joaquin is a Mexican drug lord. He is notorious because of his power in this occupation. He is imprisoned for crime of murder, trafficking etc.

1. Osama bin Laden:

Osama Bin Laden is the most famous underworld Don. He was the founder of organisation Al-Qaeda. He actually was born in Saudi Arabia.
              So guys these were the top 5 underworld fugitives. What do you think about it?????!! Answer me anyhow!!!!!! Anyway.......
         Thanks for reading!!!!!

Friday 24 November 2017

Are we alone????!!!

You must be wondering of this question. Isn't that?? But for those who haven't understood my question, I will tell them that I am talking about life on other planets. What do you think buddy, are we alone, if you have the answer as 'Yes', I will definitely make you think about it once again. So without wasting time let's start exploring.......
Look up at the sky once, No!!! man the image above is not of our space. Actually it is of our space but little bit zoomed. One dot in the image is equal to nearly 50,000 galaxies. Yes really, I am not joking!! This is the image of space we watch from Earth..
So beautiful, so amazing image isn't it?? But it is nothing. Yes guy it is nothing for the total size of universe. It is nearly the size of quark, in a proton, as compared to the real universe. Let's catch out topic, so what do you think now? You will think I haven't done anything to change your decision. Now this can, I think. In our solar system, we are in doubt of Mars and of Titan, which is a moon of Saturn. We think that, life can exist there. In just our solar system, we are confused what of others? You must be thinking, alien life means a man like creature with blue skin and all. It is all rubbish bro. We are happy even if found a mosquito life or even microbes. Yes friend, it is truth. If we are gifted with suitable life conditions, then what is guarantee that any other isn't? The body requirements of other creatures can also be different. Like, we want oxygen for survival, they might need nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon-dioxide as in plants or even any undiscovered element. Personally, I believe in ðŸ‘½ aliens. Aliens means life on other planets. Have I made you think, if I tell me, or tell me any query about it. I will try to answer most of them. Guys universe is as big, as you can't imagine. You means I also, okay. Jokes apart. I want to really meet someone like it, do you??
          Here are some of the useful images....

Images aren't clear, sorry for it. What do you think about it????!!! Answer me anyhow!!! Anyway.....
           Thanks for reading!!!! 

Sunday 19 November 2017

Top 5 best leadership qualities you might be having!!!!!

Having respect is the most common symptom that everyone wants. I too also want respect from the guy besides my chair in a room. Look around you, rotate your eyeballs and watch out for your respect. If you want respect, earn it by being a leader. Check out for the following qualities in you bro. So without wasting time let's start exploring.....

5. Focus:

If you have focus, no one can stop you from becoming successful. And if you have focus of any temporary aim, it is not bad bro, but you have one leadership quality.

4. Vision:

You must have studied about Adolf Hitler in school days. This name brings thoughts of cruelty and injustice, right, Hitler was a visionary person. He always dreamt to turn Germany into a Nazi nation and till 90 present he got his success.

3. Planning:

Your parents must be saying to plan for aim. Don't hide it from me man, I am your bro. But my case is the same. My parents often say me to aim something, but I am just bloody rasc*l.  Planning is equally important for living a comfortable lifestyle and a becoming a leader.

2. All round Confidence:

Even for playing cricket in the ground, confidence is required. If got out in first ball what will others think of me, if I missed a catch, I will appear like a fool, bla bla!! These are some of the qualities of an unconfident person. This also is required for being a leader. Imagine a leader scaring to give a speech!!!

1. Courage:

Winston Churchill believed "Courage is rightly considered as the foremost of all the virtues, for upon it, others all depend". Courage actually means, any person can do anything to achieve his goal, takin all kinds of risks. If any leader don't have enough courage to stand against any thought, can be be called a leader?? Think of it!!!
                So guys these were the top 5 best leadership skills you must be having if you have leader like attitude. What do you think about it????!! Answer me anyhow!!!!! Anyway.....
                       Thanks for reading!!!!!

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Top 5 most spoken languages in the world......

To explore different countries, you must know only one language, that is English, because it is the international language. But when the people staying in that area talk with their people in their language, sometimes in our heart we feel to know what they are talking. Leaving these international issues, let us start with top 5 languages with your bro exploring.....

5. Arabic:

Arabic comes on the number of five in our list because of its 295 million speakers. Arabic is the language used in Quran so it one of the most ancient languages also.

4. Hindi:

Hindi also known as Hindustani is the official language of India and is spoken in many nations. More than 310 million people speak Hindi. 

3. Spanish:

Spanish is the language spoken by amazing number of 427 million people in the world. This language is spoken 44 countries and is one of the official language of United States.

2. English:

Yes you are reading correct!!! English is the second most spoken language. Most of the world speak this language and it is the official language of most of Western countries.

1. Mandarin:

Mandarin is the most spoken language on the world with a number of 955 million people speaking it. It a type of Chinese language. It is the second most popular online language.
            So guys these were the top 5 most spoken languages in the world.... What do you think about it???!!!!! Answer me anyhow!!!!!!! Anyway........
                       Thanks for reading!!!!!

Sunday 12 November 2017

What would happen of India and Pakistan haven't been seperated???!!

This is an interesting question. But the answers to these type of questions are totally logical. Many people have answerd me this question in their mind. I know guy you are one of them!
Enough timepass and without wasting time let's start exploring......
Many things will be changed and you may see a totally different and dominant India. I will start with the following.....

  • If India and Pakistan weren't seperated, there would be no existence of the country called Bangladesh.
  • If Bangladesh, Pakistan and India are accomodated in a single country, what would be its size?? Today India ranks 7th in terms of area. In the above case, I think so India would be on the number two or three in terms of area.
  • India will overcome the population of Bangladesh at the year of 2025. If population of Pakistan, Bangladesh and India are added, then the population will touch the sky. Just bullsh*t.!!!
  • As there would be no existence of Bangladesh, Eastern India wouldn't suffer from stone throw. 
  • Cricket team including MS Dhoni, Shakib Al Hasan, Shahid Afridi, will be out of universe team. Is there any team to beat the combination of these teams.??
  • Indian army ranks fourth or fifth number in world in terms of strength, I don't exactly remember but it's nearly to that. If armies of these nations were in single team, then what would be the strength. Yes it would definitely on number one. 
                        So guys this will happen of India and Pakistan weren't seperated by British. What do you think about it??????!!!!! Answer me anyhow!!!!!! Anyway.........
                    Thanks for reading!!!!!

Friday 10 November 2017

Top 5 most destructive uncurable diseases.....

Being fit is one of the most best feeling. Isn't it??!! But at least once till today you must be sick. Don't tell lie to me because I know everything. So guys without wasting time let's start exploring.....

5. Asthama:

Generally every person in a family suffers from this incurable disease. Once we are affected and and we don't pay much attention, then this disease take its form.

4. Poliomyelitis: 

Other name or short name of this disease..... Polio. Polio is an uncurable viral disease caused by virus named poliovirus. Good news for this disease is that it can be prevented by cheap painless vaccines. Isn't that pretty cool!!!!?? Most dirty symptom of polio because of which it is very popular is permanent paralysis of limbs.

3. Diabetes:

This word sounds like name of a killer virus. But this is a strong affected disease found and affected generally to older people. Since last two years, the rate in increase in disease is on a great platform. 

2. Ebola:

This is a newly found disease discovered in Africa. Initially, it was a disease of Monkeys like Gorilla and Chimpanzee. According to me Ebola virus is a deadly pathogen which have an amazing strength of killing nearly 50 wrestlers. 

1. HIV (AIDS):

This a combination of many diseases. It is the worst pandemic disease. It is, I think so the first worst pandemic disease. Pandemic disease means worldwide affected disease.
            So guys these were the top 5 destructive uncurable diseases according to me. What do you think about it??? Answer me anyhow!!!!!! Anyway.......
                    Thanks for reading!!!!!

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Top 5 best protective martial arts.....

For being safe and to keep your family safe it is very important to be protective. But when matter comes at self level, and if we don't have any weapon, then it becomes the case of life and death. So if we are aware with any one of the below martial arts we are saved. So without wasting time let's start exploring....

5. Muay Thai:

 I know most of the people aren't aware of this martial art. By seeing the above image you may have got an idea for technique needed for this martial art. In maximum cases, this art is used for just self defence.

4. Krav Maga:

This is a martial art with magical moves. This has got its place at number 4 in our list because it has something more than Muay Thai. It is timing. It is just too defencive.

3. Karate:

Most of the people are aware of this famously popular martial art. Many of my friends are learning this martial art. Karate is not just an defending martial art, it can be also used for attacking. 

2. Kung Fu:

Kung Fu is like second level of Karate because moves of Kung Fu are quite similar to Karate. Biggest teacher to learn Kung Fu is nature. Because this was made with nature keeping in mind. Generally it is a defensive martial art. Isn't it??!!

1. Boxing:

Boxing is on number one because it gives the thought 'Strength is Everything'. Yes literally, strength is everything in boxing. According to me a punch of a highly trained boxer is better than any highly trained master. 
          So guys these were the top 5 martial arts according to me. What do you think about it....... Answer me anyhow!!!! Anyway.......
                  Thanks for reading!!!!!

Sunday 5 November 2017

What will happen if, total garbage on earth is releazed in space????

I always tell you some wierd curious questions every Sunday. This question is just like a gay calling his mother. Anyway without wasting your time let's start exploring!!!!
        What will happen if total garbage on the earth is dumped in the space? I know many guys have answered this simple question as nothing will happen but bro listen to my views then give your answer. First you for your kind information I want to tell you that astronauts leave most of the waste there itself. You must be television daily. The rays come from space satellites. So when the satellites stop working the become space debris. So the main question...... Can we dump all the garbage on Earth to space. The answer to it is....... Yes bro definitely, why can't we do it? But we to consider some WTF things.

  • Where will it go?
  • How will it go?
  • Will it be harmful for us?
Imagine if we kept all the garbage in a large box fired it to the space. You might be thinking it is so simple, but it is not guys. Dumping such a large amount of waste in space needs high energy to go in space for away from gravity of earth. Space contains vacvum. Means if we pushed the box of garbage towards directions of Sun will burn the garbage forever. It is not that simple and safe. We know very little of Sun and if luck is fu*k then Sun itself will burst. We don't know what will happen? So just cancel the plan of Sun. One more, dumping just garbage of a colony will charge nearly equal to ten lakh I-fone 8. So just sump nuclear waste. Yes nuclear waste. Yes it is so harmful for earth. But it is the most harmful. Of the spacecraft in which nuclear waste is carrying through gets fire, and if the fire reaches waste the you can imagine what can happen.
So guys what do you think about it!!!! Answer me anyhow..... Anyway.....
Thanks for reading!!!!

Thursday 2 November 2017

Top 5 ways to create distractions in class, must try it!!!(school level)

I think the person I am sharing views is more than 14. Definitely!! Are you??!! High school is always a good time in life. Anyone is not totally aware of life. And for making a little fun, tries pranks and disattractions in class is a natural symptom. Don't think that I am making it a compulsion.   Or you will swear me!!! So without wasting time let's start exploring.....

5. Banging benches: 

Yes it is a simple and an effective way to distract and grab everybody's attention. I too am addict for it. So you must try it once!

4. Repeating Words:

This is a disrespecing type of distraction. I would rather say it a prank. But it is quite effective. Repeating words of teachers can be a good prank but I will not support it. Bro, its just that!!

3. Clapping hands:

Don't believe it?! Clapping is a good exercise and a great distraction. Of a boy sitting in front of you gives answer to any question asked by the teacher. Just clap for him loudly. Try it!

2. Talking while in lecture:

This is the most common and traditional way of distraction. If anyone talks about you atyoir back, it is just WTF feeling! Friend, before doing it keep an eye always on teacher.


This is a newly introduced bulls**t way of distraction. Don't just do it all time otherwise your cheeks may turn red. If teacher is teaching, just comment on any funny word. Especially, in science lecture it is good distraction.
            Bro, I told about the distractions but don't forget that we go to school for studying. One more important thing, to gain respect in school, distractions are must. Yes it is a true fact. Teachers likes silent and studios children but loves this type of students. They never show it guy!! So guys what do you think about it?????!!!!!! Answer me anyhow!!! Anyway....
                  Thanks for reading!!!!!

6 richest persons...(2020)

Money is the universal language which the world understand very quickly. That moment when you entered the mall and trialed that jacket an...